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June 6, 2013 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “The Sign Says…”

The subject for this week’s “Weekly Photo Challenge” is “The Sign Says…No Parking”.

Somehow I think this goes without saying! :)!

But seriously, most of the time this sign is in a parking lot along the Susquehanna River located in Fort Hunter Park near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. On this particular day in February, 2013, a mid-winter thaw of the frozen river and its tributaries caused the river to overflow the banks flooding the parking lot.

The sign caught my attention during a photo shoot for a photography class.

Thanks for taking the time to view!

~ Bonnie

No Parking

For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.

January 24, 2013 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “Beyond”

The subject for this week’s Weekly Photo Challengeis “Beyond”.

This week I decided to try my hand at writing a poem to accompany my photo. Since I don’t normally write poems, please be kind! :)! I took the photo at Cherry Grove Campground in Wolcott, New York this past summer during one of my photo shoots for my digital photography class. It is just one of my many favorites so I thought I would share!

Photo looking up the trunk of a birch tree into a beautiful sky.

“Beyond the Birch Tree”

Beyond the birch tree that towers so high,

there is never-ending space we cannot buy.

Beyond the beautiful clouds we can fly,

but we will never quite reach it even if we try.

Beyond the birch, beyond the clouds

There is an infinite world, yet to be found.

~Bonnie Parham


For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.

January 12, 2013 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “Illumination”

The subject for the Weekly Photo Challengeis “Illumination”.

Taking photos in candlelight or in an environment lit indirectly with strands of warm white decorative lighting are my second favorites to natural lighting. I guess you could call me a “♥romantic♥ “.

I just ♥LOVE♥ the diffuse glow that it creates! What’s your favorite lighting for taking photographs?

A closeup photograph of a red rose illuminated in the foreground with golden glass candle votives in the background

Thanks for taking a peek!


For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.

January 9, 2013 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “Resolved”

The subject for the Weekly Photo Challengeis “Resolved”.

Generally speaking, I am usually not one to make “New Years’ Resolutions”. However, I can see why so many do. After all, symbolically, what better time is there to start anew than the start of a fresh new year!

That being said, and the fact that this week’s challenge made me think about it a little more than I planned, I did come up with something that is important to me.

Over the past 2 years, I have put a lot of my time and effort into being the best possible student that I could be. Unfortunately, in doing so, there were times, especially in the beginning, I didn’t have the opportunity to invest enough quality time with the man in my life. Fortunately, as each semester passed, I became more and more accustomed to the routine of being a student, and was able to juggle more and still do awesome work in school. :)!

With the new year, and only 1 week away from beginning my final semester, I plan to devote more time to my relationship.


Today we spent the entire day in the kitchen together cooking, which was pretty nice :)!

In all reality, every day is a fresh new day, and we really shouldn’t wait for a new year to resolve ourselves to make positive changes!


Thanks for viewing, ~Bonnie

For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.

December 21, 2012 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “Surprise”!

The subject for the Weekly Photo Challengeis “Surprise”!

As you can imagine, this little frog gave me quite a “surprise” one morning while spending time at Cherry Grove Campground in Wolcott, New York this past summer.

Apparently, sometime during the night, it found its way into our screen room and hopped up on the chair next to a table where our statute of a “fishing frog” sat.

We found it quite odd and certainly unexpected.

It was as if it stopped by to visit a good friend, or more than likely, one of its relatives. Take a closer look. Do you see the resemblance? 🙂  I do!

Thanks for viewing,


For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.

December 14, 2012 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “Delicate”

The subject for the Weekly Photo Challengeis “Delicate”.

When I saw what this week’s word was, the first thing that came to my mind was glass. Hmm…I wondered…do I have a photo that I took of something made of glass? When I realized I hadn’t, my eyes wandered across the room at my Christmas tree, adorned with many beautiful glass ornaments. Scanning the tree, I found the perfect ornament; a delicate, breakable heart.  After all, most of us who have lived long enough know just how delicate” a ♥ heart ♥ can be!

“Hearts will never be made practical until they are made unbreakable”

~ Tinman (Wizard of Oz)

A closeup of a hand-blown glass heart ornament hanging on a tree.

Photograph © BL Parham Design

Thanks for viewing, ~Bonnie For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.

December 10, 2012 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “Changing Seasons”

This week the subject for the  “Weekly Photo Challenge” is “Changing Seasons”.

This past September, I took the photo on the left of  the dogwood tree that I transplanted by the side of my house many, many years ago. Throughout the seasons it never fails to project beauty. The berries and the dark red in the leaves was one of the first signs that Autumn was just around the corner.  The photo on the right is the very same tree encased in ice taken during an ice storm in February, 2011.   I found a nice little poem, “The Legend of the Dogwood Tree”, author unknown, that I included below.

(Click on photo for full view)

The Legend of the Dogwood Tree

In Jesus’ time, the dogwood grew
To a stately size and a lovely hue.
‘Twas strong and firm, its branches interwoven.
For the cross of Christ its timbers were chosen.
Seeing the distress at this use of their wood
Christ made a promise which still holds good:
“Never again shall the dogwood grow
Large enough to be used so.
Slender and twisted, it shall be
With blossoms like the cross for all to see.
As blood stains the petals marked in brown,
The blossom’s center wears a thorny crown.
All who see it will remember Me
Crucified on a cross from the dogwood tree.
Cherished and protected, this tree shall be
A reminder to all of My agony.”

~ Author Unknown

Thanks for viewing,

For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.

December 4, 2012 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “Reflections”

The word for the “Weekly Photo Challenge” is “Reflections”. This challenge allows me the opportunity to share a photo that I took and submitted this semester for my digital photography class. By the way, I am kind of proud; I did get a “A” on the print.

After my last excursion, story told in “Nature Photography…It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt…namely me!”, one would think that I would have learned my lesson and stayed away from climbing through brush to capture another photo underneath a bridge. After all, I am still in physical therapy 3 times a week from it…lol! I just can’t seem to resist, but I’m happy to report that this time I made it back to the car safely…no mishaps!

The photo was taken on the property of  Memorial Lake State Park, Fort Indian Town Gap in Pennsylvania.

Thanks for viewing,

A photograph of the water running underneath a bridge reflecting the bridge and surrounding trees in the water.

Photography by B.L. Parham Design: “Bridge Reflections”

For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.

November 15, 2012 / blparham

There is a better way!

STRESS!! Enough is enough. Did you ever secretly wish for a little down time from a hectic, fast-paced life?

I’m serious.  For me, sometimes the ONLY way I can get it, and my body somehow knows this, is to get sick. So sick that I really can’t push myself any further.  I’m talking the down and out kind of sick where you can’t do much else but stay in bed and rest.

Ahh..a day in bed. Sounds like a dream; just one day all to yourself to wrap up in mounds of cozy blankets and fluffy pillows. Woo Hoo!

Sounds wonderful…right?

That is until you add in the fact that you can only breathe out of one side of your nose at time with post nasal drip that creates an annoying, uncontrollable cough keeping you from getting any rest.  The burning and watering eyes; the pain and pressure in your sinuses behind in your eyes that feels as though your head is ready to explode; the pain that radiates into your ears and throat making you feel just miserable.  Not to mention, the sneezing that sends chills down to your bones. Then, when you think it can’t get any worse, out of nowhere, that cozy mound of blankets suddenly doesn’t feel so cozy when your internal temperature wreaks havoc. “Health is not valued till sickness comes.” ~ Dr. Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732

It seems that there are major inconveniences in getting well needed “rest” in this manner. And, unfortunately, one day isn’t enough to get through an illness such as the flu or common cold. One day leads to another and by day three, the feeling of guilt sets in. You’ve either missed a few days of work, or in my case school and the bedside night table has accumulated a barrage of cold medications, pain relievers, tea cups and snotty tissues.

Bedroom night table full of cold remedies

Again, enough is enough…It comes down to making that call to the doctor, in hopes that you will get lucky and possibly get your hands on a prescription for antibiotics to help you regain good health, or at the least, the written excuse from your doctor validating your illness; your “pass” back into the outside world, so to speak.

There is a better way!

In retrospect, it would make more sense to listen to what your inner self is telling you. If you need a day of rest, as I apparently did, find a way to give that gift to yourself on your own terms. If not, your body will eventually do it for you, and I guarantee it won’t be as wonderful as your fantasies. “One of the most sublime experiences we can ever have is to wake up feeling healthy after we have been sick.” ~ Rabbi Harold Kushner

Take time for yourself and stay healthy!


November 10, 2012 / blparham

Weekly Photo Challenge “Renewal”

The first thing that came to my mind in regards to this weeks word “Renewal”, was my personal mid-life adventure!

Thanks to the failing economy back in 2010, I lost my job which gave me the opportunity to do something I had never done before; enroll as a full-time student in a local 2 year community college.

I’m just one semester away from graduation, and I must say, it will be a proud moment!

A photo of a student studying

Photography by B.L. Parham Design: Major Mid Life Changes

What changes have YOU had to make that you weren’t planning for?

Thanks for viewing!


For those of you who have no idea what this is all about, every Friday, The Daily Post at posts a subject for their “Weekly Photo Challenge”. Their bloggers have one week to take photos and post before the following Friday, when a they assign a new subject.